Reputation Design
Design of World Reputation and Territory Reputation
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Design of World Reputation and Territory Reputation
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Reputation, as an important aspect of a user’s identity (Shown as t2 ID), is a subjective and comprehensive quantitative measure of users’ contribution to the t2 network.
Based on the level of abstraction and aggregation, we define a user's reputation on the world level and related territory levels.
World Reputation: User's reputation within the t2 network.
Territory Reputation: User's reputation within a designated territory.
World Reputation is a t2-level reputation score for a t2 user, reflecting his/ her contribution to the entire t2 network in the unit of Time Points.
User's World Reputation consists of 4 dimensions:
Reading Score: The cumulative Time Points (t.p.) a user acquired through deep reading.
Writing Score The cumulative Time Points (t.p.) a user acquired by having his/ her content deep-read by other users.
Inspiration Score The cumulative Time Points (t.p.) a user acquired through propagating content to get others reading, including sharing, content curation, commenting/ noting/highlighting, etc.
*Community Score (Coming soon) The cumulative Time Points (t.p.) acquired by accomplishing tasks that contribute to the growth and prosperity of the t2 community.
For each dimension, the score is assigned based on users’ cumulative related activities across the t2 network, where we define the World Reputation as:
Where , , , are related to the user's reading score, writing score, inspiration score, and social score, respectively. And are corresponding weights, which are tentatively set to be 1 for t2 alpha and beta test versions.
Using T2 user John as an example. John, who’s really interested in and good at writing high-quality content, scored 120 points for reading score, 160 for writing score, 120 for inspiration and 120 for community score. The world reputation of John will be 120+160+120+120 = 520 t.p.
For the presentation of John’s achievement - John is the top 40% (hence 60% achievement) in terms of reading score among all users, top 20% in terms of writing score, top 60% in terms of curation and community score. Which forms the basic persona of John as a t2 user.
Territory reputation is measured at (user, territory) granularity.
Different from the uniform world reputation system, there are two territory reputation systems we offer to communities to choose from: level-based system and role-based system.
Based on the time points that a user own in a certain territory, he/ she will be classified with different roles within territory, including traveller, curator, moderator, master, etc (from low level to high level).
With different levels, they would be granted different territory access, curation power, voting power, proposal power, etc.
For each territory, members of the community get to decide how they set the threshold for each level, and what access and power users of different levels are granted with. An example is shown in the below chart.
A user can grow level on 4 dimensions within each territory: reading, writing, inspiration, and community. For each of the 4 dimensions, a user can achieve a level from 0 to 3. This means that users’ reputation is not a singular, but a vector, and their persona within a territory can be determined by the shape of the vector. The requirement of each level for each dimension can be determined by the # of TP (time points) earned within that dimension, shown as below:
*Community level: a users' community score is determined by the community contribution a user made, including fulfillment of referral, bounty program, etc. More details will follow as we develop more product features in the future.
All parameters are determined by our research on user behavior and scoring equilibrium. T2 traces the 4 dimensions of the user's t.p, and give the territory the freedom to create roles based on their need with a combinational relationship between the points.
Reading level: a users' reading level is determined by the time points that user accumulated through deep reading. If the user acquired time points through deep reading, he/ she will be rated as level 1, and for level 2, for level 3.
Writing level: a users' reading level is determined by the time points that user accumulated through deep reading. If the user acquired time points through deep reading, he/ she will be rated as level 1, and for level 2, for level 3.
Inspiration level: a users' reading level is determined by the time points that user accumulated through deep reading. If the user acquired time points through deep reading, he/ she will be rated as level 1, and for level 2, for level 3.